söndag 23 november 2008


om Ernesto Guerra.

Anna och jag kan skryta med att bli omnämnda i oberoende konservativ norsk dagspress.

Och så har jag faktiskt hittat min "kontroversiella" krönika här.


Okej, efter lite efterforskingar om den norska tidningen "Adressa" hittar jag detta på wikipedia:

In response to the attack on the Danish embassy, the newspaper published on June 3 2008 a caricature of a Muslim with a turban, a suicide belt and a T-shirt with the text "I am Mohammed and no one dares to publish me!" written on it. While the drawing itself has been claimed to be a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad, the cartoonist behind the drawing, Jan O. Henriksen, and the publisher, Arne Blix, assured the drawing represents terrorists who make violent acts in the Prophet's name. "It is not an attack on the Prophet and Islam, but an attack on those who claim they are defending Muhammad, but who in reality are people with violent intents."

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